Friday 2 May 2014

Love Clinic: The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever (part 2)

This is the continuation of "The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever"... Read the previous post HERE if you missed it.

21. Tell her if she has something in her ears.

22. Tell her you love her before she sleeps every night.

23. Never go through her messages.

24. Making her look bad infront of your friends will make you look bad, too.

25. Always have her back.

26. Kiss her in the rain.

27. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.

28. Stay on the call with her even if she fell asleep.

29. Let her fall asleep in your arms.

30. Give her piggyback rides.

31. Call her babe.

32. Apologize when you’re wrong.

33. Always open the door for her.

34. Bosoms or butts doesn’t matter.

35. Notice the little things.

36. Give her flowers.

37. show concerns about her health.

38. Be confident.

39. Don’t swear.

40. Carry things for her. be continued.....

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