Thursday 22 May 2014

Love Clinic: The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever (Part 5)

Finally! this is the last episode of the Love Clinic's ' The 95 Secrets To make Her Love You Forever' on your darling Click to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4  just in case you are just joining us. And read the concluding part below:

81. Don't promise her what you can't fufill

82. Treat her like your best friend  

83. Kiss the back of her hand

84. Love her when she least deserves it — that’s when she needs it the most

85. Tell her your stories and feelings too. She wants to hear them

86. Don’t tell her lies just to spare her feelings, she’d rather know the truth rather than finding out later

87. Yes, “I’m cold” is another way of saying “hug me” don't get it missed up

88. Believe her and believe in her

89. Always listen to what she has to say

90. Good grammar is sexy

91. Look her in the eyes

92. Let her rest her head on your shoulder

93. Take the initiative to go and talk to her

94. Have pillow fights with her

95. Never take any of the 94 secrets listed above for granted

     .....and she'll be yours forever.

Thank you so much for staying with us from the beginning till the end of the super episode on Love Clinic. Stay in touch for more interesting love stories.

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