Thursday 15 May 2014

Love Clinic: The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever (Part 4)

Welcome to Love Clinic On, it feels good to have a pleasant, cool morning right here. I wanna believe you all enjoyed the rain.. I greatly did. *Smiles*

This morning we will be moving on to the 4th episode of the "95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever" and if you are just joining us, click Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 to read the previous episodes.
Happy reading....

61. Hug her from the back.

62. Never insult her, even if you’re joking around.                                          

63. Never miss a date.

64. Try your best to get her something on your vacation. (it doesn’t have to be expensive,     as long as it’s          from the heart)

65. Wear that knitted sweater that she made/buy for you.

66. Give her pleasant surprises.

67. If you love her, show her, not your friends.

68. Don’t get upset if she wants to watch chick flicks. (you might even like it)

69. When she’s sick, don’t neglect her.
70. Reply her texts.

71. Never ask a girl out to dare her.

72. Never be late for a date.

73. Unexpected surprises

74. When both of you are in a fight, take the blame even if she’s wrong.(And make     her     realize later)

75. Always listen to what she has to say.

76. Don’t take advantage of her emotions.

77. When she refuses to talk to you because you did something to upset her,insist and make up for it.

78. Make her feel like a princess.

79. Shift to the dangerous side when crossing the street.

80. When she drops something, stop whatever you’re doing to help her.
*to be concluded tomorrow morning....

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