Wednesday 7 May 2014

Abducted Girls: Wole Soyinka Blasts President Jonathan

Prof Wole Soyinka was on CNN yesterday evening where he spoke to Amanpour Over the kidnapped of the Chibok school girls. The Nobel Laureate made some frank comments about the situations and people surrounding Nigeria's current administration. Below is part of what he said;

“This is a government which is not only in denial mentally, but in denial about certain obvious steps to take.” Continue....

“It’s one of those rather child-like situations that if you shut your eyes, if you don’t exhibit the tactile evidence of the missing humanity here, that somehow the problem will go away.”

It is not just “a Nigerian problem. I’m calling for the international community, the United Nations – this is a problem. This is a global problem. And a foothold is being very deeply entrenched in West Africa.” Soyinka said.

When Amanpour asked Soyinka if he believes Jonathan is in denial, Soyinka said;

“It’s not only he. It’s the advisers around him. It’s a certain section of the nation, some of whom enjoy for various reasons a nation in a state of chaos. They profit by it, and in fact some of them are guilty of provoking the situation.”

“The person who has no excuse is the president of the nation.”

He also referred to Shekau’s video as a “charade” and “gleeful obscenity.”

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