Wednesday 14 May 2014

Love Clinic: The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever (part 3)

Welcome back to Love Clinic on your darling we sincerely apologize for the short break taken off action. Before the short break, we were treating the topic "The 95 Great Secrets To Make Her Love You Forever" in which we have decided to break the 95 secrets into 20 per post to avoid a long bored post.

We have posted 40 secrets so far in the previous two blog posts read HERE and HERE if you missed the posts. And below is the continuation of the 95 secrets... happy reading

41. Always be the stronger one.

42. Pay for dinner.

43. Hold her chair.

44. Be a good listener.

45. Don’t brag.

46. Compliment her.

47. Don’t use her.

48. Respect her.

49. Perform random acts of kindness.

50. Never take her for granted.

51. Give her breakfast in bed.

52. Hang out with her friends too, not just yours.

53. Do whatever it takes to make her happy.

54. She’s more important than video games.

55. Don’t make a promise if you’re going to break it.
56. If she slaps you, you probably deserved it.

57. She should have three things from you; your sweatshirt, a stuffed animal and a really      pretty ring.

58. Never slap her, even if it’s just in a joking way.

59. If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.

60. Forget her birthday once and you’re screwed.

To be continued.... Follow @UnilagHowfar on twitter for quick access to subsequent updates. Use the comment box below to share your thought.

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