Thursday, 15 May 2014

THE CALL - written by: RAPHAEL

Are you ready for the World? Are you ready for the world to call your name?

Are you ready to be called by great men and virtuous women of great houses?

To be heralded by the sweet lips of beautiful virgins and chiming voices of vibrant little children. To walk the walk of men who have learnt to be men. Also to lay in the bed of noble and fair ladies. Are you ready?

You shall tread the path of these brothers; FAME, POWER and WEALTH. By you, the world you live in shall be rebuilt and your kind shall engrave your name in the winds of time to be blown through ages.

The roof of the world where only the true and great dwell... You will make your camp. You will be equal to few men and lord over more than you will count through your existence. Your words will be worth gold in the abyss of common people and worth diamond on the isle of knowledgeable men.

Where would you be when the world shall crave every bit of your existence? What would you have done to convulse love and affection from the corners of the heart of even the stone hearted men.

How shall your words be uttered? Modest, or full of words that reflect the man you vowed never to become.

No matter what you do or fail to do, Those days shall come my dear friend and when they do, I shall call your name

Guest post written by:

Writer, Punster, UNILAG Undergraduate.

Follow @UnilagHowfar on twitter for more updates.


  1. Great words of wisdom my brother

  2. Great words of wisdom my brother

  3. Wow!!!!! Heard dis guy is in Faculty of Environmental Science? He's in d wrong Faculty!!!!!

  4. Nice words bro
