Meanwhile, Aisha Falode in a recent interview, said a young man named Faisal Al-Nasser and a young woman named Olivia (both pictured left above) were the last two people to see her son, Tyler Falode, alive, before his body was found meters away from his apartment complex in Dubai. The 2 claimed Tyler had been sitting too close to an edge at the rooftop of the building and had accidentally fallen. But later, Faisal was overhead saying repeatedly 'I don't mind going to jail for 25 years'.
Aisha Falode, who went to Dubai to find out what happened to her son, found out that Faisal had suspected her son of having something to do with Olivia (Olivia and Tyler pictured right) and had confronted her son. Olivia and Faisal visited Tyler at his home on February 18th...and a few hours later, he was dead. Thrown from the rooftop a 17-storey building. Aisha believes Faisal is responsible for her son's death and the Dubai police is covering him up because he's from a rich home.
Faisal and his rich dad |
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