Friday 30 May 2014

Her Name Is Envy

Envy in the heart of men is involuntary. It comes creeping into the temple of a man like an unwanted pleasure, nurtured by hate and fed by greed. Jealousy is her distant cousin, covetousness her mother’s other child.

No man would consciously admit to envy. To all men she is a taboo whom should never be tolerated or given the chance to grow. Men who have been caught in the act have been put down by men who live by the sacred laws of morals. continue....

To men who have been envied, a sense of pride and accomplishment fills every inch of his soul setting him on a path of pride and self justification. It only sets off a chain reaction of events the world can do without.

Envy is reputed for her inability to conceive a child of proper repute. In history, envy has led men to plunder and destroy. Cities have risen to destroy the joy of cities, Neighbors cut down neighbors in envy, and brothers have not been excused from the same venom of destruction. No man is immune from this dangerous kiss to the heart.

One portentous tale of envy is that all men are acquainted with her, express disapproval of her, condemn those who are caught in her warm embrace, yet, she is found alive in the hearts of all men; young, old and even dying. 

I offer no solution or way out of the heart contamination that is named envy. I can only say this; she is evil. 

Written by:
by Abejide A.T Raphael 
Writer, Unilag Undergraduate.

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