Thursday 12 June 2014

Tell us our fees in naira & kobo.. our parents can’t calculate in percentage, LASU students tell Fashola

Hehehe!!! *Oro buruku pelu erin* Students of Lagos State University (LASU) have rejected the government’s decision to reduce the institution’s hiked fees by 34-60 percent.

Speaking at a press conference today where the issue was addressed, the students’ union president, Nurudeen Yusuf, said the state government has been insincere in its dealings with them.

“We do not accept the percentage reduction offered by the Government because in 2011 when the fees were increased, it was not done on percentage level. Rather, they made the pronouncement in Nigerian naira and kobo.” continue...

“We urge the Government to come out in extant words as to how much will be payable by our students in naira and kobo and not in percentage. How do they expect our parents, the market women scrambling to pay our fees, to calculate the percentage?

“The Government is only trying to play jokers on our future, our destiny and the posterity of the state. Even if the governing council and the internal structure in the university will be put to their statutory work, we question the sincerity of the Government on this matter because the pronouncement of the fee was as a result of a Visitation Panel set up by the Government of which report was selectively adopted.”

We would only accept a 67 per cent reduction “across board” in our school fees which ranges between N197,750 and N348,750, the student leader said.

The students also demanded an apology from the State commissioner of Police over the arrest, detention and brutalisation of their colleagues.

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