Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Love Clinic: The Doctor's word

A girl can only be maltreated for so long until she's finally had enough. Sure, if a girl loves you, she'll tolerate your bullshit because she cares about you but even a girl in love has a limit to how much she can take.

Sure, if a girl loves you, she wouldn't give up on you no matter how bad it is but there's a difference between giving up and not being able to take it anymore.

If a girl loves you, she'll forgive you for your mistakes no matter how many times you make the same mistake. But, eventually a girl runs out of given chances when chances are fast becoming the cage.

No doubt she would want to work things out to fix things instead of leaving you and cutting off all ties between you two. But once a girl's been treated like shit long enough, she begins to accept what she didn't want to in the first place; that you aren't good for her and maybe it really would be best if she leaves because you truly don't deserve her.

Nobody is perfect until we chose to live perfectly with the imperfect person.

Love and be Loved.

Heed to the Doctor's word and you will be happy forever.

#Love Doctor... Follow on twitter: @LoveDoctor_UHF

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