Thursday 5 June 2014

Love Clinic: How to choose the 'RIGHT MAN' - Helen Oyiga

In the quest to bring the best to the lovely readers and lovers of, I found an interesting piece on the facebook page of one of my friends Helen Oyiga, a Lagos based super model. In the said interesting piece, she talked about the things ladies must look out for when making the choice of the man to spend the rest of their lives with.

And in actual fact, this is a topic that requires more attention not only in the lives of the ladies but as well as every single guy who intends to get married someday. Its agreeable that your choice today will go a long way to determine how the rest of your life will be spent. Anyway, I''ll personally talk more on this topic in one of my subsequent updates and if need be, we might bring a Marriage and Relationship expert on board to take us to the root of How to choose the right "life partner". But for now.. I 'll leave you with Helen's advice. Find below...

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