Monday, 27 October 2014

The Home

Home, they say, is where the heart truly lives.

In my journey through the fragile clusters of life I have learnt a tangible sum on the theme; home.

Home to every man that roams this world is as diverse and assorted as the fishes that swim our waters. Home to a good number of people is not that enclosure with a window to peep into the rest of the world. Home is where all men find peace.

Home is when all the troubles of the world don’t matter. Home is who in all the solace of this life dwells.

Like a fish that wanders to land, no true joy will be found until the moment he finds his way back into the unending waters that he once found solitude and peace. Like the fish out of the waters, we men are lost and pained in a world that is not our home. Like the baileys lost in the stormy winds men go through life lost like a deranged vagabond who find no joy in the abundance of life.

Home is perceived diversely by different men. Once I met a young boy whose troubles never seem to go away, he had lost more in his life than he would ever gain in a thousand lifetime.

His trouble stayed no matter where he went, but everyone knew where he found his peace…the bosom of a girl named Lucy.

Lucy gave him peace. The stories of troubled souls are as endless as the Arabian sands, so were the trouble of a pretty girl named Anna who found no peace until she caught the glimpse of the vast endless sea.

Another story I heard; an old man who suffered from a troubled heart for his mishaps in life was more than he could count…for they were truly beyond counting. He found peace only in evening ballads sung by children with serious problems.

Like the young boy, the old man and the pretty girl, we all have our troubles in this whirl wind of a life which we never wish and our soul is tortured because we have lost our peace. But in the end, we know that place where our peace lie, we know that person who gives our heart rest, we know that time, that hour, that moment where all our troubles will be no more. Even if it is in the misery song of others, the sun setting over the ocean or on the breast of a companion…we have peace nonetheless.
So I say to all; Let all men find their peace; Let all men find their home.

Article written by: Abejide Ayodeji.

Click Here to read "The Observer" another article written by him.

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  1. Deep words... would not hurt to structure the write-up properly.
