Sunday, 9 November 2014

Unilag 2nd Semester Exam: Latest Info On Printing of Exam Dockets

According to the latest information received from the Unilag Council of Faculty Presidents;
All those having challenges printing their exam dockets are urged to remain calm.

As we are aware of this hiccup and already engaged the school management who are now on top of the situation to ensure a speedy rectification.

Be informed that the deadline for the printing of docket is now Sunday,16th November 2014.
For more updates; follow UnilagHowfar on:
BBM: 7F5E7367
Twitter: @UnilagHowfar


  1. what about course edit sir?

  2. U can delete but can't add course again.

  3. about the diploma registration and acceptance fee payment thing, please could you like put up an explanation on it and the deadlines and dates of everything and what we need cos many people are confused about how to do it, thank you x

  4. I av already done dat in a previous post, open this link and read also go through the comments under the post av attended to some questions as well.
