Wednesday, 18 December 2013

OMG! Nigerian University Students To Embark On Indefinite Strike As ASUU Calls Off

LMFAOO.. Somebody please hold me.. I got this as a BC from one of my contacts on BBM and I think you all have to see this and laugh with me, or probably share your opinions as well. Read below:

As the Academic Staff Union Of Universities yesterday announced the suspension of its 6 month old strike.

Consequently, TheAssociation of Nigerian UniversityStudents (ANUS) will embark on its strike immediately as ASUU called off. 

Our strike will not be suspended until the following NEEDS are met. Continue reading..

1.ACCOMMODATION FEE: our expired accommodation fee must be paid by either ASUU or the Federal Government.

2.PREGNANCY: Most female students are about to put to bed, ASUU must vow to take responsibility of the unborn babies and and take care of the expenses of the naming ceremonies when its time.

3.ALLOWANCES: Students getallowances from their parents if they were in school,they hav been denied this because of the strike. The 6months allowance arrears mustbe paid.

4.TRANSPORT FARE: Our fare from home to schoolmust be paid.

5.MEGABITE: Most students have wasted their MB going online for update about the strike, the money for data must be paid

6.EXPIRED BEVERAGES: Our expired beverages like milk, Spag, milo, etc must be replaced with immediate effect. It is however stated clearly that we are not ready to resume until all these demands our demands are met. 


The President, Association of Nigerian University Students (ANUS)

I know Akokaites will say weyrey re ooooo!!


  1. Hehehe! See the name sef ANUS. Sorry na dia name. No resume, dey dere dey Old. Werey re oo

  2. Conc. weyrey..
